Cascina Mulino, Monastero di Astino – Suitable for ages 9 and over
Did you know that the scrap from the wine and juice making processes can be retransformed into food additives and new types of oils, grape skins flours and extracts for baking sweets? Come and find out! You can test the properties of these ingredients and learn how to use winemaking by-products to bake mouth-watering biscuits.
Organized by: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza – Department for Sustainable Food Process (DiSTAS)
Thanks to: AGER – AGroalimentare E Ricerca for their support of the project “ValorVitis”
Reservations: www.bergamoscienza.it/it/calendario/8387/la-doppia-vita-di-bucce-e-semi-d-uva